Hubboards Comp Bicep Leash.

Hubboards Comp Bicep Leash.

Manufacturers blurb: The Hubboards Comp Bicep Leash is designed to keep you connected to your bodyboard in critical situations. It has fourteen heavy-duty 9mm urethane coils that remain tightly coiled to prevent you from getting tangled up while paddling and riding waves. The Comp Bicep Leash also comes with super soft 2mm neoprene bicep padding, a leash plug, stainless steel swivels and extra strong coils

Reviewers Experience:

The idea of a “comp” leash is nothing new in the stand up surfing world, with many companies offering these type of lightweight, less restrictive leashes for use when greater freedom of movement is required. Essentially, why be enconberred with a thick, heavy duty leash when you’re surfing in conditions that don’t require that?

The Hubboards comp Bicep Leash is designed to provide its user with a lighter, less restrictive experience than a standard Bicep leash. The Bicep cuff is entirely minimalist in nature, in fact on first take it looks like an old school wrist leash from the 80’s. The bicep cuff is a simple 2mm neoprene cuff, no fancy gel moulded inserts or non slip linings, with a skinny velcro attachment strap designed to be as  lightweight as possible while still functional. The lightness is noticeable when you put the leash on, and at times in the surf I forgot I was even wearing a leash, which was a cool feeling. The only downside to the cuff was that it wasn’t quite large enough to full wrap around my Bicep by a few centimetres, however that didn’t inhibit its comfort in any way.

First test with the Hubboards comp was at a 5ft wedge with serious clean up sets mowing through the line up and lots of power. The Comp leash hasn’t skimp out where it matters, with the industry standard reinforced swivels and thicker 9mm urethane coils handling the beatings and bailings it was subjected to that day just fine.

Over the coming weeks with the winter period here in Oz producing an unusual run of small swells, Hubboards comp leash was the one that stayed on my board, the unencumbered feel it offered being the primary reason.

The Wins: The simple, lightweight design can make it feel like you’re surfing leashless while still maintaining good strength and durability. Comes with a free leash plug.

The Challenges: The leash cuff may not fully cover those with larger biceps.

When are you using it? Surf conditions up to 5 foot, if you’re chasing the feeling of surfing with a leash but conditions dictate you don’t want to loose your board or if you just hate big bulky leashes.

Final Opinion: The Hubboards Comp Bicep Leash ticks all of the boxes in the space it’s trying to occupy. It offers a lighter, freer feeling while still being sturdy and durable enough to not have you worrying that you’ll be swimming after your board if you do get caught underneath a rogue clean up set.

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